hey there!

my name is margaret cain and i am so excited to see you here! let me go first in introducing myself. if we were meeting in person i'd have brought you to my favorite coffee shop, blackbird coffee in milledgeville, georgia and advise you to try my favorite coffee - a dirty chai latte.

i recently graduation from georgia college and state university with a bachelor of arts in mass communication with a public relations focus. by weekday, i go by margaret the wesley foundation prayer coordinator and by weekend, i go by photographer. i love both of my jobs so much. when i am not doing college ministry or editing/shooting/boss lady-ing, i'm 100% at a local thrift store. i love thrifting and if you ever need any tips, i'm your gal!

my photography story

i've always been a creative girlie. i was never the sporty kid or the smart kid, i was the artsy kid. my mom threw me in art and music camps as soon as i could hold a pen and hum a tune. for that i am so grateful. i learned the basics like color theory and found a love for finding beauty. as i got older, my technical skills didn't allow me to capture scenes in the realistic form i wanted to. frustrated, i traded my colors pencils and paint for a DSLR camera my junior year of high school. i was finally able to capture the moment as it occurred. the perfectionist in me was much more pleased as i was able to capture people and events the way i saw them.

the year 2020 gave me another reason as to why i love photography. like everyone else, 2020 and covid rocked my world. shortly after the pandemic hit, my grandma who had severe dementia came to live with my family. words were often repeated, but it was photos that made the difference. pictures of people and places she loved helped her connect to past memories. in july of that year, she passed away. thankfully since we has so much time together, i was able to snap a couple of all of our family together. taking pictures is so much more to me than getting the perfect competition and best lighting. i love photography because it connects us to moments that we need to be reminded about.

why there is so much color here!

i have recently rediscovered a deep love for colorful things. in this season of life i have been working on how to express myself. i've been exploring tools through words, music, and my clothes. as i mentioned before, i love thrifting, my favorite shopping buddy is my momma. recently i have been picking up pieces that will make her say "that doesn't really looks like something you would wear" or "that really stands out, you usually don't like stuff that draws attention to you." when she first started saying this i got my feelings hurt. i felt like she didn't know me and was discouraging my pursuit of finding something i loved. as i've thought about this more i've realized how much i've grown in my confidence. that i can be wear something that draws a little bit of attention. that i am worth a little attention. i am talented, creative, hardworking, fun, passionate and many other things. colors now mean so much to me; i want to incorporate them in my own business.

i want my brand to stand out in the same ways. I have the ability to capture special moments beautifully. i want people to see as well that they can take up space, that they can clothe themselves in colors that reflect who they really are. the ache of my heart is to give people a memory of them in the season they are in with the people and places that reflect who they are.

